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A STEM Education solution for every family

What works for you? Coder Sports offers a wide array of educational options for busy families. From our core weekly coding development program, to exciting summer camps and specialized 4 – 8 week courses – all delievred in person at our Coder Gym Locations OR Live Virtual format – Coder Sports has you covered.

Virtual or In Person Options

All Coder Sports Programs are available “in person” at our amazing coder gyms, or in our live virtual delivery option. 

Switch seemlessly between virtual and in person anytime. Attend lessons virtually and drop by our nearest coder gym for monthly events such as our hackathons & social game nights – you choose what works best for your family!

Three Great options

Year Round Program: Attend from Anywhere

Your child can learn to code with expert North American based Teachers!

Custom coding projects, interactive lessons with expert teachers, homework assignments, social game days.

First Lesson free for new students

Year Round Program: Attend weekly at our “Coder Gym”

The fastest way to learn software programming online.

Learn to code in our fun, hands on focused lessons. Join a Coder Team & attend monthly hackathons, coding tournaments, & make friends at social game nights.

First Lesson free for new students

Special Events – Hands on STEM courses and camps

Make new friends for life. Join our fun coding camps & speciality courses. Explore amazing STEM projects and activities.

Learn Roblox Studio, Unity Game Engine, Minecraft Modding, and more! 

Spring & Summer Camp Registrations now open!

Kids Can Code @CoderSports

Learn modern programming languages + Solve real coding challenges + Build games in Python + Learn Lua for Roblox Studio + Study Java & Minecraft Redstone. ++ And so much more!

Plus - Kids Have Fun @CoderSports!