Unplugged Coding Lesson – Understanding Variables and Sequences

learn variable in programming



Students will learn the fundamental coding concepts of variables and sequences without the use of computers, utilizing hands-on activities with everyday classroom supplies.

Materials Needed

  • Index cards or sticky notes
  • Markers or pens
  • Small objects (e.g., toy cars, blocks, or any classroom items)
  • Large poster paper or whiteboard

Lesson Duration

45 minutes

Lesson Overview

This lesson plan introduces students to the basic concepts of coding without the need for computers, making coding accessible and engaging. By using simple materials, students will grasp what variables and sequences are and how they are used in programming.

Warm-up Activity (5 minutes)

Start with a simple game to energize the class and introduce the idea of following instructions, which is crucial in coding.

  • Have the students stand in a circle.
  • Call out fun actions (e.g., jump, clap, turn around) and have the students perform them in sequence.
  • Emphasize the importance of doing the actions in the correct order, introducing the concept of a sequence.

Introduction to Variables (10 minutes)

Variables in coding are similar to containers that hold information. To explain this concept:

  1. Activity Setup:
  • Distribute index cards or sticky notes and markers to each student.
  • Give each student a small object.
  1. Activity Instructions:
  • Ask each student to write their name on an index card and place their object on top of the card.
  • Explain that in this scenario, their object is the information, and the card with their name is the variable holding that information.
  • Discuss how variables help us keep track of information in coding, just like how the card holds the object.

Understanding Sequences (15 minutes)

Sequences are a series of instructions that are followed one after the other. This activity will help students understand the concept of sequences in programming.

  1. Activity Setup:
  • Arrange a simple obstacle course in the classroom using chairs, tables, or tape on the floor.
  • Create a start and end point.
  1. Activity Instructions:
  • Divide the students into small groups.
  • Each group must write down a sequence of instructions on how to navigate the obstacle course from start to end using the index cards.
  • One student from each group will attempt to complete the course by following their group’s instructions exactly as written.
  • Discuss the importance of the order of instructions and how a computer would need clear sequences to perform tasks.

Hands-on with Variables and Sequences (10 minutes)

Combine variables and sequences to solidify the students’ understanding.

  1. Activity Instructions:
  • Using the objects and index cards, ask students to create simple “programs” on their desks.
  • For example, they could write a sequence that says, “Move the car (object) to the first card, then move it to the second card where it picks up a passenger (another small object).”
  • Let students share their programs with the class and demonstrate how they work.

Reflection and Discussion (5 minutes)

Wrap up the lesson by discussing what the students learned about variables and sequences. Ask questions like:

  • “How do you think variables and sequences help in coding?”
  • “Can you think of a sequence of actions you do every day that could be described in a ‘program’?”


This lesson plan introduces third-grade students to the concepts of variables and sequences in a fun, interactive way without the need for computers. By engaging with tangible objects and activities, students can grasp these foundational coding concepts, paving the way for future learning in computer science.


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