Creating a 2D Platformer Game in Roblox Studio

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Creating a 2D platformer game in Roblox Studio is not only possible but also a great way to dive deeper into game development and explore the versatility of Roblox as a platform. In Roblox, 2D games are typically made by locking the camera to a side view and restricting movement to a 2D plane. This tutorial will guide you through building a simple 2D platformer game where players can jump across platforms, avoid obstacles, and reach a goal.

Tutorial Overview

  1. Setting Up Your Project
  2. Creating the 2D Environment
  3. Setting Up the Player Controls for 2D Movement
  4. Adding Platforms and Obstacles
  5. Creating a Simple Goal
  6. Camera Configuration for 2D Gameplay
  7. Testing and Publishing Your Game
  8. Conclusion

1. Setting Up Your Project

  • Start Roblox Studio and select “Create New Project.”
  • Choose a flat terrain template as your starting point to get an open space.

2. Creating the 2D Environment

  • Design Your Level Layout:
  • Use the “Part” tool to create platforms. Stretch them horizontally for ground platforms and vertically for walls.
  • Arrange these parts in your workspace to design the initial level of your game. Remember, since it’s a 2D game, you should lay out everything along a single plane.

3. Setting Up the Player Controls for 2D Movement

Restricting Movement to 2D:

To achieve 2D movement, you can use a LocalScript that overrides the default player controls to restrict movement along the Z-axis (depth), allowing only left, right, and jump actions.

Insert a LocalScript into StarterPlayerScripts and add the following code snippet:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer 
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() 
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") 

humanoid.MoveDirection =, 0, 0)

This script ensures the player can only move horizontally.

4. Adding Platforms and Obstacles

  • Creating Platforms:
  • Use the “Part” tool to create additional platforms for the player to jump on. Customize their size and position to design your level.
  • To make platforms stand out, consider changing their color or material through the Properties window.
  • Adding Obstacles:
  • Place parts that the player should avoid (e.g., spikes, moving objects). Use scripts to add simple movements to these obstacles, such as vertical or horizontal motion.

5. Creating a Simple Goal

  • End Goal:
  • The goal can be a specific part or object the player must reach to complete the level.
  • Use a Script or Touch event to detect when the player touches the goal object, then trigger a victory message or load the next level.

6. Camera Configuration for 2D Gameplay

Setting the Camera to Side View:

To ensure the game has a 2D feel, the camera must be fixed in a side view position.

Insert a LocalScript into StarterPlayerScripts to lock the camera’s position relative to the player:

local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera 
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable 

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer 
    local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") 
    while char do 
        Camera.CFrame = +, 5, 20), hrp.Position)

This script keeps the camera fixed behind and above the player, creating a side-scrolling effect.

7. Testing and Publishing Your Game

  • Testing Your Game:
  • Regularly test your game by clicking the “Play” button. Ensure the movement feels right, the obstacles are challenging but fair, and reaching the goal works as intended.
  • Publishing:
  • Once satisfied, publish your game by selecting “File” > “Publish to Roblox As…”. Follow the prompts to share your 2D platformer with the Roblox community.

8. Conclusion

Congratulations! You’ve just created a basic 2D platformer game in Roblox Studio. This project introduces fundamental concepts of game design and scripting, offering a foundation upon which you can build more complex and engaging 2D games. Encourage experimentation with different level designs, obstacles, and gameplay mechanics to create unique experiences for players. Happy game developing!


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