Hands-On Tutorial: Creating a Text-Based Adventure Game in Python on Replit

python computer science concepts


Welcome to this interactive tutorial where you’ll learn how to create a simple text-based adventure game using Python on Replit. This project is perfect for high school students with a basic understanding of Python. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a functional game that you can expand and customize.

Setting Up Your Project on Replit

  1. Sign In to Replit: Navigate to Replit.com and log in. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to sign up first.
  2. Create a New Repl: Click on the “+ Create” button, select Python, name your project (e.g., “TextAdventureGame”), and then click “Create Repl”.

Step 1: Planning Your Game

Before diving into coding, it’s a good idea to sketch out a simple storyline or game flow. For this tutorial, let’s create a game where the player finds themselves in a mysterious room with two doors. They must choose a door to discover what lies beyond.

Step 2: Setting the Scene

Now, let’s start coding. In your main.py file, begin by setting the scene for the player.

print("You wake up in a dimly lit room. In front of you are two doors. Do you go through door 1 or door 2?")

Step 3: Taking User Input

Let’s ask the player to make a choice between the two doors.

choice = input("Choose a door (1/2): ")

Step 4: Processing the Choice

Now, use an if-else statement to provide different outcomes based on the player’s choice.

if choice == '1':
    print("You find a room full of treasure! You're rich!")
elif choice == '2':
    print("You enter a dark room and are eaten by a grue. Game over.")
    print("That's not a door. Game over.")

Step 5: Running Your Game

  • Execute Your Code: Press the green “Run” button at the top of the Replit editor.
  • Play the Game: Follow the prompts in the console on the right side of the screen.

Step 6: Expanding Your Game

Now that you have the basic structure, think about how you can expand your game. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add more rooms and choices.
  • Incorporate items that the player can pick up and use.
  • Create characters for the player to interact with.

Here’s a simple extension introducing another level of decision-making:

if choice == '1':
    print("You find a room full of treasure! You're rich!")
    print("As you fill your pockets, you notice another door. Do you enter it? (yes/no)")
    second_choice = input("> ")
    if second_choice == 'yes':
        print("You've entered a secret chamber filled with ancient artifacts. Victory!")
        print("You decide to leave while you're ahead. Wise choice!")
elif choice == '2':
    print("You enter a dark room and are eaten by a grue. Game over.")
    print("That's not a door. Game over.")

Step 7: Sharing Your Game

Once you’re proud of your game, share it with friends or family by clicking the “Share” button on Replit. You can send them the link directly or invite them as collaborators to contribute.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on creating your text-based adventure game! This project not only sharpens your Python skills but also opens the door to more complex programming concepts and game development principles. Keep experimenting with different storylines, complexities, and Python features to make your game even more engaging.

Happy coding, and may your adventures in programming be as thrilling as the games you create!


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